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Two Ways to Prolong the Life of Your Mattress and Improve Sleep

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Depending on the type of mattress you have, you should flip and spin your mattress at least twice a year to prolong its life.  If you have a two-sided mattress you can flip.  mattressflip

Flipping the mattress means that you literally flip the mattress from the side you currently sleep on to the side that used to touch the box spring. 

Spinning the mattress means that the portion of the mattress at the head of the bed will now be placed at the foot of the bed.  If you do not have a two-sided mattress, you will only be able to spin.  This applies to the mattress-box spring combos.  The benefits of spinning your mattress are similar to flipping but not as great because you can only use one side (top-side) of the mattress. mattress_spin1

If you want to really practice this, here’s a great way to remember:

1.  In the Spring you will spin the mattress (Remember that both begin with the letter “S”)

2.  In the Fall you will flip the mattress (Both begin with the letter “F”)

In addition to prolonging the life of your mattress, flipping and spinning will make you more comfortable, reduce body aches, and most likely improve your quality of sleep.

Save money and sleep well….zzzzzz


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